  • Видео 11
  • Просмотров 12 442 532
World War I - Eastern Front (1914-1918) - Every Day
Группа ВК: cherepashka_shusha
Most likely this is the most hardest for me video on my channel. Despite the title of the video is Eastern Front of the World War 1, I decided to include also Balkan front, Italian front and the part of Middle Eastern front (Caucasian front). This video will show the whole chronology of hostilities of the First World War in these regions on the map (every day, animation).
Eastern front of the WW1 (or Great War) is the second in order of importance for Germany and it was much more extended. The front in the east was much longer than that in the west. The theater of war was roughly delimited by the Baltic Sea in the west and Minsk in the east, and Saint Pe...
Просмотров: 1 234 317


The Deluge - Second Northern War (1648-1667) - Every Day
Просмотров 347 тыс.2 года назад
Группа ВК: cherepashka_shusha The Deluge (or Potop) is very specific and one of the most saddest periods in the Polish history. In the middle of the 17th century, the then hegemon of Eastern Europe was invaded by almost all its neighbours (Ukrainian Cossacks, Russian Tsardom, Swedish Empire, Brandenburg-Prussia and Transylvania). This video will show the whole chronology of this period o...
The Two Chechen Wars (1994-2009) - Every Day
Просмотров 1,4 млн3 года назад
Группа ВК: cherepashka_shusha This video will show the whole chronology of the two Chechen Wars on the map, every day. In addition, for ease of understanding, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Chechen Civil War and the Interwar Period will be shown too The Two Chechen wars are a whole series of conflicts between the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic Ichkeria. In 1991 after ...
World War II - Western Front (1939-1945) - Every Day
Просмотров 1,2 млн3 года назад
Группа ВК: cherepashka_shusha This is my final video from the World War II series. Despite the title of the video is Western Front, I decided to include the whole European theater besides the part of the Eastern front (I have already had video about it) Timeline begins from the German invasion Poland in 1939 and ends in 1945 with surrender of Germany and the fall of the Third Reich. The ...
The History of Japan (20,000 BC - 2020) - Every Year
Просмотров 812 тыс.3 года назад
Группа ВК: cherepashka_shusha The Japanese history dates back to the Paleolithic period when first people arrived on these lands. According to legend, the first Emperor Jimmu reigned in Japan in 660 BC, but, in fact, history of the Japanese state began in the 3th-4th centuries. City of Heian (Kyoto) became the capital in 794 year. This video will show the whole chronology of Japanese his...
Russian Time of Troubles - Смута (1604-1619) - Every Two Days
Просмотров 247 тыс.3 года назад
Группа ВК: cherepashka_shusha Time of Troubles (or Smuta) is one of the saddest periods in Russian history. 15 years of civil war, famine, disease, intervention and anarchy. As a result, casualties of Russia amounted to a third of the population. Economy was destroyed, villages were deserted. Polish-Russian and Russo-Swedish (Ingrian) wars also are part of the Time of Troubles. Swedish a...
World War II - Pacific War (1931-1945) - Every Day
Просмотров 2,1 млн4 года назад
Группа ВК: cherepashka_shusha Pacific War is the largest theater of World War II. We associate it with naval battles, jungle warfare, atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The date of beginning of the war usually is calling 7 December with Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, but hostilities dating back as far as in 1931. The war lasted almost 4 years and ended in 1945 with surrender of...
World War II - Eastern Front (1941-1945) - Every Day
Просмотров 3,8 млн4 года назад
Группа ВК: cherepashka_shusha Day of June 22 changed the world forever. At 4 o'clock in the morning German troops invaded the territory of USSR. Largest conflict in the human history began. The war lasted almost 4 years and ended with surrender of Germany, Hitler's suicide and the fall of Third Reich. Confrontation between Soviet Union and Nazi Germany is the part of World War II. The co...
The History of New Year (New Year's Day) in Europe - Every Year
Просмотров 87 тыс.4 года назад
Группа ВК: cherepashka_shusha New Year's Day has rich and long history of its existence. According to some reports that is the ancientest holiday (first mentions are dated to the third millenium BC). Each nation had its own traditions of celebration and dates of the starting of the year which were changing during the time. This video will show how Europe introdused the single date of Jan...
The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) - Every Week
Просмотров 598 тыс.4 года назад
Группа ВК: cherepashka_shusha The Thirty Years' War is one of the most destructive conflicts in human history. Initially a war between various Protestant and Catholic states in the fragmented Holy Roman Empire, it gradually developed into a more general conflict involving most of the European great powers. This conflict became famous for sacks of sities and killing the people. For thirty...
The History of Russia | История России (862-2019) - Every Year
Просмотров 558 тыс.4 года назад
Группа ВК: cherepashka_shusha This video will show the whole History of Russia from Ancient Rus' to Russian Federation - every year. How did Russia begin? How was her territory formed? Which persons ruled the country? All answers are on the map! Music is at the end of the video


  • @ezekwu
    @ezekwu 21 час назад

    amazing video...

  • @jawadrafique5274
    @jawadrafique5274 22 часа назад

    Russia is dumb for invading checnya even though the terrorists attacked russia.

  • @Knightofukraine
    @Knightofukraine День назад

    Germania Invicta! Russia Delenda est!

  • @Schnitzeli
    @Schnitzeli День назад

    Slovakia was part of the axis on eastern front aswell

  • @cloroxbleach9222
    @cloroxbleach9222 День назад

    Southeast Asia: You've freed us! Japan: I wouldn't say freed, more like... Under New Management.

  • @einsoft5995
    @einsoft5995 День назад

    Ну во - первых на картах 9 - 13 веков никакой киевской Руси не было! Ее придумал Михаил Погодин. Союз славянских княжеств при главенствующей роли Киевского князя назывался Русью! При чем здесь история России мне совершенно непонятно. История России как известно началась с создания Московского царства, впоследствии ставшей Российской Империей в 1721 году! Поэтому никакой тысячелетней истории так называемой «России» никогда не существовало. Древняя Русь и Россия ну ни как вяжутся, даже с точки зрения лингвистики. Переезд митрополита Киевского Владимира в Суздаль являлось его частным делом, и его личным решением, но назвать по этому поводу Мрсковию «московской русью» ну это чистый бред, и навязывание фальшивой истории Московского Улуса обществу есть чистая авантюра, если не преступление против истинной истории славянских племен, про которые было уже известно, начиная с 4 века н.э. Еще раз хочу отметить, что история Суздальских, Владимирских, Ростовских и Московских земель - это история существования другой культуры и других этносов, история которых начинается только с конца 11 столетия, никакого коренного отношения к жизни и культуре Древней Руси они не имели. И в конце концов, пора прекратить эту историческую возню, а Кремлю пора восстановить подлинную историю финно - угорских земель, историю татарских завоеваний этих территорий и рассказать, наконец, всю правду об истории создания и развития волго - окского региона под властью чингизидов и дальнейшего формирования московской государственности под воздействием культурных, социальных и экономических интересов Улуса Джучи, сыгравшего решающую роль в формировании традиций и культуры финно - угорских народов на этой территории. Пора уже написать подлинную историю так называемой России, придуманной Петром Алексеевичем, стыдившимся исторического прошлого подвластных ему московско - суздальских земель!!!

  • @user-lf6yh8jw2z
    @user-lf6yh8jw2z 2 дня назад

    Don't be arrogant even though you are a weak country that has always been a vassal of China and has never called itself emperor. Japan is an independent country that called itself emperor for 2000 years. South Korea's history is basically a history of competing with Vietnam in paying tribute to China lol

  • @user-tc6wf5xlee
    @user-tc6wf5xlee 2 дня назад

    사대주의 한국만큼 부끄러운 역사는 없다 옛날에는 중국의 개→최근까지 일본의 개→지금은 미국의 개 그러나 개는 한국인보다 더 똑똑하고 순종적이고 예의바르다. 너희들은 개가 아니라 기생충이다 😂

  • @user-tc6wf5xlee
    @user-tc6wf5xlee 2 дня назад

    Half a million years of history, once dominating China and Japan, etc., is an insane historical education in Korea that is not accepted in the world. Now that the nation has become rich, they despise China, but don't forget that they were once the poorest nation in the East, obedient to China for a thousand years. The Korean people worshipped the Chinese emperor like a god, took Chinese family names, and appreciated Chinese culture as if it were a blessing from heaven. Koreans are said to be proud that Hangeul is their own script, but when it was invented by King Sejong the Great, Hangeul was despised as a script used by barbarians except hanji, and only hanji was used in Korea until the 19th century. Nevertheless, Korea looked down on Japan with Chinese authority and at one point enjoyed a war of aggression against China with the Japanese army. Thus, their history has no dignity, but only obeys the strong🇰🇷🤡

  • @user-tc6wf5xlee
    @user-tc6wf5xlee 2 дня назад

    Korean textbooks are full of complexes, reflecting the Korean psyche. While there is only one line about the introduction of Chinese culture, there are several pages of descriptions of how Korean, with its great civilization, gave civilization to the uncivilized archipelago. The Korean government has been brainwashing citizens into believing that Japan is an ungrateful country that continuously invaded Korea, even though is a country that developed thanks to Korean🤡🇰🇷

  • @user-tc6wf5xlee
    @user-tc6wf5xlee 2 дня назад

    Korea's sense of superiority stems from the fact that Korea has always been an inferior nation, having been a colony or vassal state of China, Japan, Mongolia, and Manchuria. They never had a grand empire, civilization, or cultural achievements and were always ignored compared to China and Japan. Korean nationalists are the Asian equivalent of black conspirators, claiming that anything that comes from China or Japan actually belongs to Korea🇰🇷🤡

  • @user-if2lw5gi4s
    @user-if2lw5gi4s 2 дня назад

    "Народы бывшего или настоящего, или будущего союза, и в частности Россия, больны русизмом. Причем это очень опасная хроническая тяжелая болезнь. Русизм страшнее фашизма, нацизма, расизма - всех человеконенависнических идеологий. Хотят они того или нет. И этот страшный недуг, наверное, можно вылечить только тягчайшими испытаниями. Единственный, наверное, народ на земле, ни во что не верующий, бездуховный, безнравственный и отсталый от уровня развития человечества безнадежно и надолго - это русские. В Крыму еще будет бойня. Украина еще схлестнется с Россией. Пока русизм существует, он никогда не откажется от своих амбиций." Легендарный Джохар Дудаев, живший , воевавший и погибший за свою родину . Убитый российскими военными 21 апреля 1996 года . Вечная память тем , кому хватило смелости и духа противостоять российскому империализму и великодержавному шовенизму , и погибнуть смертью храбрых в этой неравной и героической борьбе .

  • @tastylimonad4623
    @tastylimonad4623 2 дня назад

    никакие украинские волонтеры вы что с дуба рухнули

  • @pacjenthdmapping9719
    @pacjenthdmapping9719 3 дня назад

    8:42 that small russian army unit escaping all the way from romania to ukraine is so based

  • @Jungkookie6433
    @Jungkookie6433 3 дня назад


  • @user-vc4hk9od9c
    @user-vc4hk9od9c 3 дня назад

    Нет никаких чеченских войн, есть агрессия России против Чечни.

    • @Erepb_1939
      @Erepb_1939 День назад

      Россия лишь забрала свод территорию

  • @paulyung535
    @paulyung535 4 дня назад

    Unfortunately, it is historically incorrect when you purpose to kept Tibet not as part of China. Go read all WW2 maps from US Army. It showed to err is part of China. I am not saying Tibet should be part of China. Just like you show a lot of island is under UK. Even they are not part of UK today.

  • @user-qi6pv9jh7o
    @user-qi6pv9jh7o 5 дней назад

    F Болотникову. Он восстал, когда то самое крепостное право только-только зарождалось. Press F for Bolotnikov. He rebelled against the serfdom that has just begun to be established.

  • @therandomer285
    @therandomer285 5 дней назад

    Ww2 eastern front in a nutshell 1941 1:10 barbarossa begins 1:21 encirclement of Bialystok-Minsk 1:31 encirclement of Smolensk 1:32 encirclement near Uman 1:35 Romanians beseige Odessa 1:41 capture of Tallinn 1:44 siege of Leningrad begins 1:46 encirclement of Kiev 1:48 capture of Kiev 1:52 Battle of Moscow begins encirclement of Vyazma-Bryansk 1:56 capture of Kalinin 1:59 fall of Kharkov 2:02 siege of Sevastopol 2:12 Soviet counter offense begins 1942 2:33 germans encircled in Demyansk 2:55 land connection to Demyansk reestablished 3:06 Soviets encircled near Kharkov 3:21 Vorenezh Captured 3:26 Rostov captured 3:36 Battle of Stalingrad begins 4:08 Germans encircled in Stalingrad 4:17 Germans begin to withdraw from the Caucasus 1943 4:26 Land connection to Leningrad reestablished 4:31 Germans surrender in Stalingrad 4:38 Germans abandon Demyansk and Rzhev salient 4:44 Germans win the 3rd battle of Kharkov 5:20 Germans attack Kursk 5:24 German attack fails soviets counter attack in Orel and Kharkov recapturing the cities 5:44 Germans begin to fall back to the panther wotan line 5:51 soviet breakthrough on Dnieper near Zaporizhia and Dnipropetrovosk 5:57 German land connection to Crimea cut 5:59 soviets recapture Kiev 1944 6:40 Soviets enter Romania 6:59 Crimea fully liberated 7:13 Finnish forces are pushed back 7:16 Germans encircled near Minsk 7:24 fall of Bialystok 7:32 Romania leaves the war and declares war on Germany 7:38 Bulgaria declares war on Germany 7:40 Finland signs armistice with the Soviets lapland war begins 7:47 German army group north is cut off in Courland 8:12 siege of Budapest 1945 8:18 Vistula-Oder offensive 8:27 Siege of Breslau 8:28 fall of budapest 8:34 Siege of Danzig 8:41 Vienna offensive 8:43 fall of Danzig and Bratislava 8:45 fall of Vienna and Koningsberg 8:48 Battle of Berlin 8:50 Encirclement of Berlin 8:53 fall of Berlin 8:55 Germany surrenders

  • @Taczy2023
    @Taczy2023 6 дней назад

    That was a pretty large empire at its full extent, reminds me of the Roman empire. Let us not forget the loss of human life, the innocents.

  • @dispregiatordelvulgo8310
    @dispregiatordelvulgo8310 6 дней назад

    Richelieu, Mazzarino e Luigi XIV: i peggiori traditori dell'Europa Cattolica.

  • @user-sd2jq8dc5y
    @user-sd2jq8dc5y 7 дней назад

    일베 딱좋노 흔드르라 이기야

  • @sinsakamoto
    @sinsakamoto 8 дней назад

    日本で勉強する韓国併合条約 1910年(明治43年)8月22目に、韓国併合条約が漢城(現ソウル特別市)で寺内正毅統監と李完用首相により調印され、同月29日に裁可公布により発効された。 大日本帝国は大韓帝国を国際的な承任(ポーツマス条約 大韓帝国に対する排他的指導権)を得て併合し、大韓帝国側の全借財(いわゆる借金)を肩代わりしつつ、 その領土であった朝鮮半島を領有した。

    • @sinsakamoto
      @sinsakamoto 8 дней назад

      併合と植民地の違い 普通の植民地支配は、主に宗主国の経済を潤わせるために行われており、現地住民を労働力にして大規模な農場や炭鉱などを経営し、植民地の民と本国の民を明確に区別しました。 日本の行った併合は、朝鮮を日本の延長とみなし、日本国内で行われている統治に近い統治がなされました。もちろん、文化や習慣の違い(どこでも排便 、乳出しチョゴリ)があるので全く同じというわけではありませんし、朝鮮人は日本への忠誠心(安重根による伊藤初代統監暗殺事件、義兵運動(住民虐殺テロ))が疑われたので、それなりに区別はされました。

    • @sukever17
      @sukever17 6 дней назад

      韓国の教科書にはその様な事は書いていないので彼らはその事実を知りもしませんよ 韓国の教科書は他の国の教科書に書かれている事と内容が違います 勿論当の韓国人達はその事も知りません

  • @YigitTurk-nd2tc
    @YigitTurk-nd2tc 8 дней назад

    Free chechnya

  • @HanizGap
    @HanizGap 9 дней назад

    No not criminalism what are you talking about? The real criminals is the Russian government not an region who was fighting for their independence some of my family members died because of Russia!!! Russia is empire of evil because their trying to scare people and other governments with their nukes and criminals but they will not!!! Then why did chechenya fight against Russia if they got nukes??!!

    • @Wild_Donetto
      @Wild_Donetto 8 дней назад

      Russia is in prison, in the Chechen wars it lost its future, the last president of Russia Boris Yeltsin very much regretted his decision to invade Chechnya, the government in Russia is holding a cowardly creature who surrounded himself with the same, I am Russian, and it hurts me very much that some devil in one person decided to drown Russia in blood and eternal a disgrace from which my native country will never get out...

    • @user-hs7wj3cg8q
      @user-hs7wj3cg8q 8 дней назад

      ​@@Wild_DonettoТы русский?) да брось. Чечня заслуженно утонула в крови тогда. Ещё скажи что тебе их жаль. Мне сепаров ни жаль ни сколько.

    • @HanizGap
      @HanizGap 8 дней назад

      @@Wild_Donetto Hey am sorry I mention the Russian government only didn't mean it to you. Even if he regret it we will never respect him after this bloody war he used fake documents and told us he gave us independence then when we were laying on the couch that pig!!! attacked us!!! he didn't have another decision so he used another way that's why he's not honest he's a pig drinking vodka and Putin was he's attack dog. Russian military is so weak they failed using blitzkrieg on chechenya that's why Boris used fake documents. Some people even say that chechen warriors were weak but the question is why did little chechenya survive 10-11 years of war with Russia isn't it interesting yeah because chechen warriors was great actually!!!

  • @Shthophyckq
    @Shthophyckq 9 дней назад

    On 24th June, 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russian Empire. On 22th June, 1941, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union. On 7th August, 1999, a bunch of an armed civilians invaded the Russian Federation.

  • @StateOfIMBIR
    @StateOfIMBIR 9 дней назад

    Chechen war? More like "Russo-ISIS War"

  • @SR2005
    @SR2005 10 дней назад

    Снова Здравствуйте

  • @michaelchang259
    @michaelchang259 10 дней назад

    20,000BC ?????? 5세기에 한국을 통치해? 일본 니들은 이래서 안되는거야. 그냥 5만년전 유물이라고 땅에 묻고 발굴하는 쇼 한번 더 해. 전세계가 믿어줄께. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 얼마나 한국에 열등감이 있으면 어떻게든 백제가 니들꺼라고 우기고 싶니. 백제 금동대향로 막 니들꺼라고 우기고 싶지? 벡제가 건내준 반가사유상 막 니들이 만든거라고 우기고싶지? 아 그래서 반가사유상 얼굴 뜯어고쳤니? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 문화재 얼굴을 뜯어고치는 나라는 니들밖에 없지. 백제 금동대향로 구경이나 하러 놀러오렴.

    • @user-it9fd7ql5z
      @user-it9fd7ql5z 4 дня назад

      편향된 역사 교육이 만든 저속한 댓글이군요. 이미 저급한 댓글이 된 이상 Sea of japan도 지적합시다.

    • @user-it9fd7ql5z
      @user-it9fd7ql5z 4 дня назад

      얼마나 많은 역사적 사료가 일본인의 조상은 백제임을 보여주는데, 이런 이점을 전혀 이용하지 못하고 그저 감성적으로 비난만 하는 모습. 해당 주제의 사실과 관계없이, 애초에 그런식으로 교육 받았으니 어쩔수 없는거겠죠. 이유는 모르겠지만 독도와 쓰시마는 한국땅, 어찌됐든 동해라고 불러야해. 당신같이 감성적으로 접근하는 사람이 많을수록 백두산이 장백산, 독도가 다케시마, 동해가 일본해가 되는겁니다.

  • @JonathanSM_95
    @JonathanSM_95 11 дней назад

    Thanks USSR

  • @MMircea
    @MMircea 11 дней назад

    This war was about anything but religion. I see it more as a civil war against Pope Loyalists and Pope Rebels. No wonder you get the Ottomans at the gates of Vienna shortly after.

  • @priyaranjansahu6026
    @priyaranjansahu6026 11 дней назад

    Mughals and marathas during this time: aww they are playing! We are actully fighting

  • @user-ub5jd5gd8t
    @user-ub5jd5gd8t 12 дней назад

    択捉島がもしその時日本領なら得撫島も日本領だしさらにこじつければ南樺太も日本領になるのではないか?日露和親条約や現代的な国家観に囚われてないか? それに隼人や蝦夷が弥生人だった証拠は?蝦夷はまぁ混血進んでたろうからいいとしても説として隼人や熊襲にはオーストロネシア人蝦夷はアイヌ系統の疑いがある

  • @CharlesIsMyName
    @CharlesIsMyName 12 дней назад

    I see so many good map but can't seem to make a good one. Will you every do a tutorial?

  • @Oligofer
    @Oligofer 12 дней назад

    Avrupalılar birbirini boğazlıyor böyle bir şansın var Doğu'da Safeviler ile savaş. Safeviler var olmasaydı belki Avrupalıların içinden geçerdik gel gör ki Avrupalıların sorunlarının bu denli fazla olmadığı 1683 yılında Viyana'yı kuşat

  • @buyukselcukluimparatorlugu4330
    @buyukselcukluimparatorlugu4330 13 дней назад

    Epic Historical Video is very good

  • @onionskin3254
    @onionskin3254 13 дней назад

    Sengoku period borders are filled with wrong information. Hard to believe this was thoroughly researched on. The borders of Oda, Mori and eastern Japan are all wrong

    • @gb4206
      @gb4206 12 дней назад

      What about the rest, did you find any other errors

  • @onionskin3254
    @onionskin3254 13 дней назад

    This has lot of inaccurate borders

  • @user-eb8xd5pg8c
    @user-eb8xd5pg8c 14 дней назад

    Спасём хойку от рук женщин! #savehoi4

  • @Space_Plays6259
    @Space_Plays6259 14 дней назад

    the music that plays at the start of 1944 is “the Royal Air Force” in hoi4 btw 👍

  • @Lightning_07298
    @Lightning_07298 15 дней назад

    Love Japan from Czech Republic 🇯🇵🤝🇨🇿

  • @user-fv5fq
    @user-fv5fq 15 дней назад

    And you say 2020-2024 is shit...

  • @ReyMarcelino-je8cc
    @ReyMarcelino-je8cc 16 дней назад

    1940 started of pacific theater ww2

  • @rpz-fz3mo
    @rpz-fz3mo 16 дней назад


  • @lanoan1181
    @lanoan1181 16 дней назад

    0:00 Introduction 0:05 Japan history 0:17 Jomon people 0:28 yayoi people 0:44 Yamato 0:46 Yamato ( Green ) 0:50 Japan ( green ) 0:50 emishi 0:50 Ainu 2:06 Taira 2:06 Fujivara 2:08 Japan Destroyable Taira and Fujivara 2:52 Emishi die It's because Japan has successfully fought 2:45 emishi Gain independence again and Abe 2:51 Emishi die again 2:54 Kiyobara and Minamoto get independence 2:55 Minamoto Beat Kiyobara die 2:56 Japan To control Minamoto 3:00 Minamoto Now it's from Japan 3:16 Dachu independence 3:17 Taira, Minamoto and Fujinara 3:25 Japan green and brown War is Genpei 3:30 Japan green die Japan brown winner and Fujinara,otome,hojo,Shimazu,Surai,Takeda,Ouchi ,Ryunoji to Japan brown control 3:30 Nanbu,Date,Satake Japan brown 3:32 Emperor And shogun 3:37 not shogun 3:38 Yes shogun 3:40 toki control by japan brown 3:51 Mori control by Japan brown 4:02 and 4:03 Fight with Great yuan ( Mongolian in 2024 ) 4:04 Great yuan War 4:06 Great yuan The battle can be played Tsushima and About to fight Province Dazaifu 4:07 War Song ( China ) And great yuan 4:08 Great yuan win to war China 4:09 Almost fought the island Tusushima 4:10 Almost the end of the war 4:11 : End war 4:14 Original view of japan 4:17 Not shotgun again 4:31 go-Daigo According to Japan green 4:32 War to brown japan and green Japan 4:34 Japan Green win 4:35 Japan green Almost completely collapsed 4:40 Japan green Almost colonize or occupy the territory Kamarura 4:54 War Winner for Japan brown 5:02 Not Emperor 5:07 Not emperor and Shogun 5:08 Emperor and Shogun Comebacks 5:14 Not shogun 5:16 Shogun Starting 5:26 Japan Brown is losing its territory more and more

  • @klocek1767
    @klocek1767 17 дней назад

    Love Japan from Poland🇵🇱❤🇯🇵

  • @Donk322
    @Donk322 17 дней назад

    Столько мирных вырезали, как же хорошо, что раздавили эту грязь

  • @gallenoalvaro4147
    @gallenoalvaro4147 18 дней назад

    Why did Japan during the Heian to Edo period have two capitals?

  • @FlingStarr
    @FlingStarr 18 дней назад

    Naw ussr did a 2 v 5 and still won

    • @heyrakorzlar
      @heyrakorzlar 17 дней назад

      Where do you get those numbers? lol

  • @smow7777
    @smow7777 18 дней назад

    가야(kaya)가 일본에 속해있었는가는 학계의 오랜 논쟁입니다. 일본에서 최초로 주장된 설은 일본이 가야를 직접지배 했다는 것입니다. 이 가설이 처음 나온 시점은 오늘날 한국, 중국, 미국 등 대부분의 학계에서 부정당하는 기마민족설이 각광받은 시기와 일치합니다. 일본 문헌기록인 <古事記>, <日本書紀>는 6세기 이전의 기록이 설화전승을 토대로 위조된 것이 많고, 내용이 한국과 중국 계통의 사서에는 보이지 않는 경우가 많습니다. 연대가 틀리거나, 실존하지 않는 인물이 등장하는 등 신빙성 논란이 높기 때문에 학계에서는 신뢰하지 않습니다. 또한, 200년간 일본이 가야(kaya) 지배해 왔다기에는 해당 지역에 일본 유물이 거의 없습니다. 1970년대 후반, 이같은 문제점을 인식한 일본 학자들은 이 학설을 폐기/수정했습니다. 대표적으로, 백제-신라의 접촉지대에 일본인 자치구역이었다는 설, 일본이 가야를 간접지배했다는 설, 일본인 용병의 자치지역이라는 설, 한국인과 일본인 사이의 교역기관이었다는 설 등이 제시되었습니다. 이것은 군사지배라는 기존 학설에서 경제지배 혹은 소규모 이주민집단으로 축소하거나, 직접지배가 아닌 간접지배 혹은 지배관계 자체를 부정하는 학설들이 대두되었습니다. 더 많은 내용들이 있지만, 여기서 말하는 핵심은 “일본이 가야(kaya) 지역을 군사적으로 직접지배 했다”는 학설은 이미 폐기된 것이라는 점입니다. 나는 이러한 논쟁들에 대해 이상하다고 여겨지 않습니다. 한국과 일본 고대사에는 미스터리가 많습니다. 일본으로 이주한 고대 한반도 이주민 집단의 성격과 언어계통 문제 등은 한국학계, 일본학계는 물론 미국학계에서도 해결하지 못하고 있기 때문입니다.